Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Scarecrows, turnips and carrots

It was a warm and breezy day today.  Just the right temperature for steady work and beautiful.  At one point a group of 3rd graders looked up into all the pine trees that ring our section of the farm and took a few minutes to really drink in the sight of them waving their green feathery branches over our meeting area and the pasture.

We continued to work on the scarecrows which are now ready to go into the ground.  We've even started digging holes for the posts using garden trowels and determination.  It's amazing what a 3rd grader can do when they set their minds to it.

We also planted turnips and carrots with hopes that the coming frosts will not be too heavy for them.  We are planning succession plantings so even if this batch doesn't make it, there will be others planted later.

Unfortunately I forgot to bring out the camera until after everyone had left so there are no pictures other than the one below of Elvis.  Elvis lives in the pasture next to our garden and often oversees the garden work along with his buddy Finnigan.

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