Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Volunteer Days July 8 to 14, 2012

This week I've been showing up twice a day to water because of the heat.  So far everything seems to be holding up very well.  I've gotten a lot of food from the garden and have been able to keep up with the harvest myself, but the tomatoes are promising to start coming on strong in the next few days and the basil will follow close behind so please come out and get some!  We don't want this good food to go to waste.  We also have a lot of pumpkins that will be ripe in the next week or so.  Don't be shy about picking one up.

Next week, I will be running summer camp at the farm in the mornings.  I invite everyone to come join us in the mornings any time between 8:30 and 11:00 Monday through Friday.  I could really use help with weeding, mulching and harvesting!

If your child is looking for something to do next week, consider signing them up for Farm, Food and Fun with Physics camp.  We'll be meeting at the farm in the mornings, taking care of the chickens, doing various farm projects and chores and harvesting.  Once the heat gets to be too much, we'll head over to the school kitchen where we'll turn our harvest into a yummy snack and/or addition to lunch.  After lunch we'll hang out with Science Jim as he leads us through fun and exciting physics challenges and experiments.  Each day will have a different theme that will apply to both the farm and physics halves of the day.  Those themes are Earth, Water, Air, Light and Heat/Fire.  Your child is likely to get wet, eat yummy healthy food, play with fire (in a safe way), and figure out some more pieces in the puzzle of how the world works.  If you are interested in signing your child up for camp, please contact Shannon O' Connor at

Hope to see you at the farm next week, one way or another!

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